PGR Winter Crafternoon
We're big supporters of PGR well-being and ensuring that we have ways of looking after ourselves during our research. Here at UofG, we already have weekly PGR Lunchtime Walks (every Tuesday from 12.30 outside the Gilchrist), not to mention a Community Garden, and plenty of #PGRSelfCare tips and routines recommended by UofG PGRs. Inspired by the UofG co.Lab and our #PGRmaking competition (don't forget to enter!) we thought it's about time we got our craft on with a winter crafternoon!
Image storebukkebruse via Flickr
Get away from your desk, meet other PGRs and join us for an afternoon of making wintery decorations on Friday 8th December in the Gilchrist Seminar Room. Whether you want some handmade baubles for your tree at home, paper stars and snowflakes for your office, or you just fancy some festive colouring in, we have got you covered. PGRs of all making abilities are welcome, as are any crafty works-in-progress you want to bring along. Materials and delicious wintery treats will also be provided.
Image Adriana via Flickr
To join in, sign up via Eventbrite, and don't worry if you can't make it- we have plans for more PGR Crafternoons in 2018!