PGR Gardening Welcome Event
Image and Cover Image by Markus Spiske via
Take some well-deserved time away from your office, laptop or lab space this Thursday ( 18th October) at 1.45 and come on down to the PGR Garden Welcome Event for some warm autumnal apple juice, tasty snacks and good chat!
Just over a year ago the Researcher Development team began planting the UofG Community Garden. The ultimate aim of this project was to provide local PGRs with a space where they could relax and step away from their work, whilst also promoting a healthy mind and body.
Our wonderful communal green space, located slap bang in the middle of campus, on Viewfield Lane (behind the Wellington Church), has flourished since then, with a crop of apples from our trees, the largest lettuces you’ve ever seen and enough basil to keep the PGR office in pesto for the next year! It even become the home to a colony of bees during the summer, something we are keen to happen again year after year.
Delicious curry made using some PGR Garden vegetables
Image- Elizabeth Adams
Following our Welcome Event, you are all more than welcome to sign up to one of our PGR Gardening teams and spend an hour or so on a Thursday lunchtime tending our crop and helping our plants to grow. Simply go to our Google form and enter your availability for the coming term. It provides an excellent opportunity for PGR researchers and University staff alike to take a mental breather and spend some time with nature. Don’t just take our word for it- you can hear more from the gardeners themselves in the video below!
To find out more about the ways we’re working to improve PGR wellbeing, check out our post on PGR wellbeing feedback. If you’ve got any gardening tips- or perhaps suggestions for recipes or pesto use!- as ever, let us know in the comments or Tweet us @UofG_PGRblog.